Consultancy Services

Start developing your soccer project

Know your market

● Analyze key success factors
● Assess risk and market potential
● Define the business model
● Find the right property

Cost estimate and funding strategy

● Define investments, management costs and revenues
● Develop a financing plan
● Find the right partners
● Plan your future growth

Manage your project

● Concept design and final cost estimate
● Construction schedule
● Permitting and building approvals
● Contractor and subcontractors selection
● Oversight on construction process

Promote and operate your 5-a-side facility

● Multiple-revenue approach
● Define the right marketing offer
● Staff recruitment and training
● Day to day management advice

Soccer Fields

Choose the best solution for your club

Safe heavy-duty indoor soccer fields

We supply and install state-of-the-art indoor and outdoor soccer courts. The materials we use are approved by many Football Federations all over the world. With our safe, heavy-duty equipment, you’ll get unbeatable value for your money.

A complete range
of fields

Choose between permanent fields, semi-portable fields and portable mini-pitch.
All our metal frames are hot-galvanized and thermo-lacquered to ensure maximum duration.

Different turf solutions

Choose between infill or no-infill turf systems.
Full range of shock-pads and draining-mats layers.
All our LATEST GENERATION turfs are certified to perform by FIFA standards.

Furnishings for
your club

Creative ideas to decorate your facility on a budget.
Smart solutions for your club-house, locker rooms, snack bar, reception desk, sport apparel shop.
Digital devices to boost your fan’s engagement.

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What Our Clients Say

  • SportBack logo
    We have the same strategic vision for the global development of our solution. WSB has a very good knowledge of the global market, which is totally in line with us.
  • WSB SPORT developed our Club House project, one of the most beautiful in all of France. They work with precision, respecting timeline and budget requirements
  • WSB SPORT has been our preferred partner for the best courts and first class services. They have built more than 40 courts for SoFive in 4 American cities, becoming a strategic partner for our international growth. 
  • Italgreen and WSBSPORT have been partnering for years in the production and supply of mantles and structures suited to the needs of all professional and amateurs athletes. Italgreen is proud to collaborate with a professional company like WSBSPORT in the promotion of a culture of sport that is conceived as a positive social aggregator.
  • WSBSPORT are the TOP vendor for 5 a side and indoor soccer. They provide excellent advise, quality products and above all an irreproachable after sales service.  The team is very effective and fun to work with.
  • We are at the start of our project but thanks to WSB we have greatly advanced our plans in less than one year. Our objective is to open a a side club but we were not familiar with the business, that is why we called Pier Francesco and his team. They helped us develop our project and understand the key issues. WSBSPORT is very open and available, they are serious and provided us with excellent advise. We are very happy to work with them.
  • WSBSPORT  gives our projects confidence and structure. Their consultancy strengthens our proposal and reinforces our skills. We now have a perfect team with great visibility over our projects.